休んでごめんなさい… 産休に入る教員にそう言わせる現実 深刻さ増す教員不足


Women teachers feel guilty about taking time off for maternity leave. Because they think their workplaces are too busy and they may bother their colleagues.



There are no penalties for referendum campaigns, unlike election campaigns. Teachers and staff may campaign for the referendum outside of school.



Dieting is difficult. “Business dieting” (= business scrapping) is also difficult. Both have in common the possibility of death if not done.



The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) continues to build up school operations one after another, like saying, “Our plan is perfect. ” Teachers are becoming busier and busier. Behind the scenes, there are politicians who do not want to let teachers be free.



On July 1, the teacher license renewal system was abolished. Believing that simply abolishing the teacher license renewal system may result in a decline in the quality of teachers, the ruling party is trying to introduce a new teacher training system. However, many teachers  are currently working at the overtime line with no overtime pay.



A teacher at an Osaka prefectural high school developed an adjustment disorder after working long hours. He complained to the principal that he was going to die, but the principal just asked him to take a break. The director of education commented that he was disappointed that the claim of the prefectural government was not accepted. The governor decided not to appeal.