
School boards and administrators demand long working hours from teachers. Teachers accept working long hours. Society wants teachers to work long hours. This resembles a conspiracy of silence. Because these are tightly bound together, teachers work too many hours.

“Japan Federation of Labor Lawyers Issues Statement for Fundamental Overhaul of Salary System to Improve Harsh Working Conditions for Teachers”

The Japan Federation of Labor Lawyers (JFLL) has issued a statement regarding the need to reconsider the labor regulations, particularly the “Special Measures Law Concerning Salaries, etc. of Educational Staff of Public Elementary and Junior High Schools, etc.” (commonly known as the “Salary Special Law”), which allows for a 4% increase in base salary instead of paying overtime wages, in relation to the issues surrounding the working conditions of teachers.

The issue of excessive overtime among educators has led to problems such as overwork-related deaths, early resignations, a decline in applicants, and a shortage of teachers. This has become a significant societal concern, with apprehensions about the deterioration of the education quality.

Currently, a special subcommittee within the Central Council for Education, an advisory body under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, is actively discussing the salary system and work reform for teachers. They aim to provide a clear direction by the spring of 2024.

On the 18th, the JFLL released a statement emphasizing that this situation is pushing public education to the brink. They are calling for the abolishment or thorough revision of the “Salary Special Law,” which allows public school teachers to receive a 4% increase in base salary in lieu of overtime pay.

The “Salary Special Law” does not consider work performed outside regular hours, except for activities like extracurricular trips, school events, staff meetings, and disaster response, as part of official labor hours. Essential tasks in school education, such as coaching club activities, creating and grading tests, and meeting with parents, are categorized as “voluntary and spontaneous efforts.”

Furthermore, these regulations apply exclusively to public schools and do not extend to national or private institutions.

The statement points out that the structure of the “Salary Special Law” has led to lax management of work hours, resulting in a situation of “unlimited fixed-sum work.” To address this, the statement suggests that providing overtime allowances to teachers would ensure better monitoring of working hours and help curb excessive overtime.

The JFLL clarifies that the objective is not merely salary increment but rather an increased effort towards creating a suitable working environment to avoid the need for extra work allowances.

The statement is set to be submitted to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) soon and will also be distributed to members of the special subcommittee under the Central Council for Education.

The JFLL strongly urges for the establishment of an environment where teachers, who are the most immediate workers in children’s lives, can serve as positive role models for children.

パイオニア特別選考 教員免許なしでも採用 さいたま市教委

Saitama City will allow people with at least three years of work experience in research, development, or investigation at a company, etc., to take the teacher employment examination without a teaching license. Those who pass the examination will be awarded a special license. In addition, in order to expand the eligibility of teachers in charge of special-needs education to take the examination, the requirements for possession of a special-needs school teacher’s license and work experience will be abolished.



In 2022, the most common causes of suicide among teachers were job fatigue, job failure and depression.


警察庁 自殺の状況 より(https://www.npa.go.jp/publications/statistics/safetylife/jisatsu.html

大学3年時から教員採用試験を受験可能に 山梨

The Yamanashi Prefectural Board of Education has made it possible for students to take the teacher recruitment examination from their third year of university in order to cope with a decline in the number of candidates.



The number of teachers and staff on sick leave and those on sick leave of one month or more with mental illness increased by 15.2% in 2021 compared to 2020. Their share of all teaching staff is 1.19%. In the rest of the industry, the rate is between 0.8% and 1%. This is because the level of commitment and awareness of occupational health and safety for teaching staff is far from the general level.




The Metropolitan Police Department refuses to acknowledge that money is exchanged at Pachinko, and the MEXT refuses to acknowledge that overtime work is being done at schools. Japan is a land of lies.



The decrease in the number of applicants for teacher employment exams is a positive result of education.



Selling jars by threatening them with hell and selling educational materials by threatening them with entrance exams. Aren’t these the same thing?

大阪 高崎市立中学教員が提訴


An art teacher at a junior high school in Takasaki City, Osaka Prefecture, sued for compensation for damages for being forced to teach under harsh conditions.

通信制高校 生徒80人あたり教員1人以上


An expert panel of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology recommended that a standard of at least one teacher per 80 students be created to improve the operation of large correspondence schools with extremely low numbers of teachers.